Acoustic Capabilities of Existing Observing Systems

Acoustic Capabilities of Existing Observing Systems

IQOE is collecting metadata for hydrophones deployed worldwide. The locations of these hydrophones is shown on the map below, but other metadata are also being collected. To submit metadata for a hydrophone location not already shown on the map, please download the metadata form and submit it to Ed Urban


Acronym Definitions

Cabled Systems

relates to time synchrony between elements and between the GPS time. specifies the time interval between data downloads. is the depth at which the sensors are located. indicates whether or not the acoustic system is calibrated. highlights other data available or planned from the same region of the acoustic sensors. conveys how accessible the data are to the public. refers to the original and/or current sponsor providing funding support for the system. indicates the societal purpose for which the system was originally designed reports the years of system installation and projected life expectancy of the system.
Title Geographical Scale Other Location Latitude Longitude Human Activity Other Natural Activity Other Projected Change Acoustics Operational Units (Auto) Mode (Mobile) Frequency Bandwith Directionality Time Synch/Precision Duty Cycle Duty Cycle Other Data Downloads # Elements Depth Calibrated Ancillary Data Data Availability Other Integration Possibility Sponsor Society Value Other Installation Life Expectancy Audio Clips
ALOHA Cabled Observatory basin Hawaii 22.75 -158.00 ambient sound Yes 0.014Hz - 8kHz omni continuous continuous 1 4728m (bottom) Yes HOT site open Yes NSF exploration 2011 + decades
ANTARES 50 km Ligurian Sea 43.085 5.212 seismic, shipping Navy geophysical, whales Yes 100 Hz-125 kHz omni ms continuous continuous 36 2000 m (bottom) Yes telescope upon request Yes ANTARES collaboration Neutrino Observatory 2000 + decades
Boundary Pass 1 coastal San Juan Islands, Canada 48.759 -123.065 shipping mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales ambient sound Yes 5 Hz to 240 kHz Tetrahedral array 1 ms Continuous 4 191 m Yes Met, AIS, ADCP, CTD, Video approval needed Port of Vancouver and Transport Canada biodiversity, ecosystems 2020 + decade
Boundary Pass 2 coastal San Juan Islands, Canada 48.761 -123.061 shipping mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 5 Hz to 240 kHz Tetrahedral array 1 ms Continuous 4 192 m Yes Met, AIS, ADCP, CTD, Video approval needed Port of Vancouver and Transport Canada biodiversity, ecosystems 2020 + decade
CTBTO basin Ascension Island-North -7.845 -14.480 Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 6 (2 triads) 850 m Yes no approval needed No CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
CTBTO basin Ascension Island-South -8.941 -14.648 Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 6 (2 triads) 850 m Yes no approval needed No CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
CTBTO basin Cape Leeuwin -34.892 114.153 Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 3 (1 triad) 1100 m Yes no approval needed No CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
CTBTO basin Crozet Island-North -46.180 51.590 low Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 6 (2 triads) 541 m Yes no approval needed No CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
CTBTO basin Crozet Island-South -46.885 51.794 Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 6 (2 triads) 535 m Yes no approval needed No CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
CTBTO basin Diego Garcia-South -7.645 72.474 Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 6 (2 triads) 1350 m Yes no approval needed Yes CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
CTBTO basin Juan Fernandez Island-North -33.449 -78.938 low Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 6 (2 triads) 824 m Yes no approval needed No CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
CTBTO basin Juan Fernandez Island-South -33.823 -78.846 Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 6 (2 triads) 830 m Yes no approval needed No CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
CTBTO basin Wake Island-North 19.713 166.891 Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 6 (2 triads) 750m Yes no approval needed No CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
CTBTO basin Wake Island-South 18.508 166.702 Yes 1-100 Hz H continuous continuous 6 (2 triads) 750 m Yes no approval needed No CTBTO nuclear monitoring early 2000s + decades
EMSO SmartBay Observatory Hydrophone coastal 53.227 -9.266 Environmental monitoring Yes 63, 125, 1000, 2000 Hz continuous EMSO
Glacier Bay National Park coastal Alaska 58.435 -135.923 ambient sound mysticetes, whales Yes 30.2 m U.S. National Park Service biodiversity, ecosystems
LoVe Ocean Observatory (LoVe Ocean) coastal Norwegian Sea 68.9 14.4 Yes 10 Hz – 256 kHz (depending on site and time of data collection) omni continuous continuous four scientific nodes with single element hydrophones 250, 300, 210, 1550 m Yes CTD, CO2, O2, turbidity, pressure, images, nitrate, chlorophyll fluorescence, current profiles, acoustic backscatter (depending of site) open Yes Norwegian Research Council and project partners ecosystems, exploration research, fisheries resource assessment 2014 + decades (depending on node)
MBARI MARS coastal Monterey Bay 36.713 -122.186 research and public education/outreach Yes continuous 890 m MBARI biodiversity, ecosystems, geo-hazards
NEPTUNE (Clayoquot Slope node) coastal Western Canada 48.699 -126.872 Yes 10 Hz – 64 kHz 1315 m
NEPTUNE (Endeavor node) coastal Western Canada 47.949 -129.10 Yes 10 Hz – 32 kHz 64 kHz 2189 m
Port of Vancouver - Lime Kiln coastal San Juan Island, Washington State 48.516 -123.153 shipping mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales ambient sound Yes 23 m biodiversity, ecosystems

Fixed Autonomous Systems

relates to time synchrony between elements and between the GPS time. specifies the time interval between data downloads. is the depth at which the sensors are located. indicates whether or not the acoustic system is calibrated. highlights other data available or planned from the same region of the acoustic sensors. conveys how accessible the data are to the public. refers to the original and/or current sponsor providing funding support for the system. indicates the societal purpose for which the system was originally designed reports the years of system installation and projected life expectancy of the system.
Title Geographical Scale Other Location Latitude Longitude Human Activity Other Natural Activity Other Projected Change Acoustics Operational Units (Auto) Mode (Mobile) Frequency Bandwith Directionality Time Synch/Precision Duty Cycle Duty Cycle Other Data Downloads # Elements Depth Calibrated Ancillary Data Data Availability Other Integration Possibility Sponsor Society Value Other Installation Life Expectancy Audio Clips
ADEON Cape Hatteras (HAT) coastal off Cape Hatteras 35.200 -75.020 fish, mysticetes, odontocetes, whales Soundscape and ecological study Yes 1-4000 Hz,1-185 kHz 45 min/hr (1-4000 Hz) and 3 min/hr (1-185 Hz) 291 m open NOPP ecosystems soundscape monitoring Fall 2021
ADEON Wilmington (WIL) coastal off Wilmington, North Carolina, USA 33.585 -76.451 mysticetes, odontocetes, whales Yes 1-4000 Hz, 1-185 kHz 45 min/hr (1-4000 Hz) and 3 min/hr (1-185 Hz) 460 m open NOPP ecosystems soundscape monitoring Fall 2021
Ahaaha Rocks coastal New Zealand -36.675 175.001 shipping mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes continuous 35 m biodiversity, ecosystems
bpns-Birkenfels coastal North Sea 51.648 2.536 sonar mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 20-160kHz, 10 Hz to 24 kHz continuous LifeWatch biodiversity, ecosystems
bpns-Buitenratel coastal North Sea 51.240 2.505 sonar mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 20-160kHz continuous LifeWatch biodiversity, ecosystems
bpns-Faulbaums coastal North Sea 51.33435 2.61483 sonar mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 20-160kHz, 10 Hz to 24 kHz continuous LifeWatch biodiversity, ecosystems
bpns-Gardencity coastal North Sea 51.486 2.305 Yes 20-160kHz, 10 Hz to 24 kHz 1 day on/1 day off LifeWatch biodiversity, ecosystems
bpns-Grafton coastal North Sea 51.406 2.536 sonar mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 20-160kHz, 10 Hz to 24 kHz continuous LifeWatch
bpns-Reefballs Belwind coastal North Sea 51.704 2.813 sonar mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 20-160kHz continuous LifeWatch biodiversity, ecosystems
bpns-Reefballs-cpower coastal North Sea 51.581 2.996 sonar mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 20-160kHz continuous LifeWatch biodiversity, ecosystems
bpns-Westhinder coastal North Sea 51.381 2.452 sonar mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 20-160kHz continuous LifeWatch biodiversity, ecosystems
Corsair Canyon (COC) coastal South of Nova Scotia 41.257 -66.043 Yes 10-128000 Hz 24.67 min/hr 1490 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans biodiversity, ecosystems
Emerald Basin (EMB) coastal East of Nova Scotia 43.500 -62.869 Yes 10-8000 Hz and 10-125000 Hz 22.66 min/hr and 4.33 min/hr 200 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans biodiversity, ecosystems
Fundian Channel (FCH) coastal South of Nova Scotia 42.043 -65.362 Yes 10-3200 Hz, 10-128000 Hz, 10-256000 Hz 21.2 min/hr, 9.6 min/hr, 4 min/hr 1300 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans biodiversity, ecosystems
George's Bank (GBK) coastal Eastern edge of George's Bank 41.502 -65.811 Yes 10-128000 Hz 24.67 min/hr 1480 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans biodiversity, ecosystems
Glacier Bay National Park coastal Alaska 58.697 -136.153 ambient noise mysticetes, whales Yes 1-44,100 Hz 1 hour on, 1 hour off 21 m U.S. National Park Service biodiversity, ecosystems
Grand Manan Basin (GMB) coastal Bay of Fundy 44.691 -66.530 Yes 10-8000 Hz and 10-125000 Hz 51 min/hr and 4.5 min/hr 180 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans biodiversity, ecosystems
Hauraki Gulf coastal New Zealand -36.585 175.128 shipping mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes continuous 45 m biodiversity, ecosystems
HI01 (HI01_02b) - Olowalu coastal Off Maui, Hawaii 20.807 -156.655 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 62.7 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
HI03 (HI03_02b) - Makapuu coastal Off Oahu, Hawaii 21.285 -157.600 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 79.4 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
HI04 (HI04_02) -Kauai coastal Off Kauai, Hawaii 22.263 -159.586 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 80.8 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
HI05 (HI05_02) - Penguin_West coastal Between Oahu and Molokai, Hawaii 20.987 -157.588 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 50 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
HI06 (HI06_02) - Big_Island coastal Off Big Island, Hawaii 19.951 -155.901 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 51.8 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
Jordan Basin (JOBW) coastal Southwest of Nova Scotia 43.300 -67.500 Yes 10-3200 Hz, 10-128000 Hz, 10-256000 Hz 21.2 min/hr, 9.6 min/hr, 4 min/hr 195 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Langstone Harbour coastal Southern England 50.807 -1.022 soundscape monitoring Yes 10 min/30 min
Mid-Gully (MGL) coastal East of Nova Scotia 43.860 -58.910 Yes 10-8000 Hz and 10-125000 Hz 22.66 min/hr and 4.33 min/hr 1360 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans biodiversity, ecosystems
Noises coastal New Zealand -36.697 174.971 recreational boating Yes continuous 6 m ecosystems
North Shore coastal New Zealand -36.685 174.793 shipping mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes continuous 16 m biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS01 coastal Alaskan Arctic 72.44 -156.55 odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 500 m open NOAA/AFSC biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS02 coastal Gulf of Alaska 50.25 -145.13 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds Yes 500 m NOAA/PMEL biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS03 coastal Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary 47.77 -125.52 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds Yes 488 m NOAA/NWFSC & NOAA/OCNMS biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS04 coastal Hawaiian Islands 22.33 -157.67 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 900 m open NOAA/PIFSC biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS05 coastal Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary 33.9 -119.58 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 900 m open NOAA/SWFSC biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS06 coastal Gulf of Mexico 28.25 -86.83 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 900 m open NOAA/SEFSC biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS07 coastal Southeastern continental U.S. (SE US) 29.33 -77.99 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 900 m open NOAA/SEFSC biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS08 coastal Northeastern continental U.S. (NE US) 39.01 -67.27 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 900 m open NOAA/NEFSC biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS09 coastal Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary 42.4 -70.13 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 79 m open NOAA/SBNMS biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS10 coastal Tutuila Island, National Park of American Samoa -14.27 -170.72 mysticetes, odontocetes, whales Yes 33 m open NPS & NPAS biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS11 coastal Cordell Bank Coast National Marine Sanctuary 37.88 -126.44 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 500 m open NOAA/CBNMS biodiversity, ecosystems
NRS12 coastal Buck Island Reef National Monument, U.S. Virgin Islands (US VI) 17.79 -64.65 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes 40 m open NOAA & NPS biodiversity, ecosystems
Pine-Lyttelton Harbour (MM5) coastal South Island of New Zealand -43.6178 172.739 port construction noise odontocetes Yes 5min/15min 7 m Lyttelton Port Company (LPC)
PM01_01 (PM01) - Middle Bank coastal Northwest of Kauai, Hawaii 22.662 -161.041 Yes 20-24000Hz 900s/1800s 60.9 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
PM02_01 (PM02) - French Frigate Shoals coastal French Frigate Shoals, Hawaii 23.757 -166.339 Yes 20-24000Hz 900s/1800s 36.5 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
PM05_01 (PM05) - Gardner Pinnacles coastal Gardner Pinnacles, Hawaii 24.817 -168.134 Yes 20-24000Hz 900s/1800s 36.5 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
Rangitoto Channel coastal New Zealand -36.766 174.803 shipping mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds, whales Yes continuous 16 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Roseway Basin (ROB) coastal South of Nova Scotia 43.000 -65.568 Yes 10-8000 Hz and 10-125000 Hz 22.66 min/hr and 4.33 min/hr 160 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans biodiversity, ecosystems
SanctSound-CI01 coastal Santa Rosa Island, California 34.000 -120.100 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 21 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-CI02 coastal San Miguel Island, California 34.100 -120.500 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 77 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-CI03 coastal Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, California 33.500 -119.000 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 26 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration
SanctSound-CI04 coastal Santa Rosa Island, California 33.800 -120.100 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 156 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-CI05 coastal Anacapa Island, California 34.000 -119.300 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 139 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-FK01 coastal Florida Keys 24.400 -81.900 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 15 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-FK02 coastal Florida Keys 24.500 -81.700 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 13 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-FK03 coastal Florida Keys 24.500 -81.800 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 25 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration
SanctSound-FK04 coastal Florida Keys 24.400 -81.900 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 15 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-GR01 coastal Gray's Reef, Off Georgia 31.400 -80.900 -80.900 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 17 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-GR02 coastal Gray's Reef, Off Georgia 31.400 -80.800 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 18 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-GR03 coastal Gray's Reef, Off Georgia 31.400 -80.900 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 17 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-MB01 coastal Monterey Bay, California 36.800 -122.000 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 119 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-MB02 coastal Monterey Bay, California 36.600 -121.900 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 68 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-MB03 coastal Monterey Bay, California 36.400 -122.300 Yes 10Hz-100kHz continuous 845 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-OC01 coastal Salish Sea, Off Washington State 48.400 -124.700 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 14 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-OC02 coastal Off Olympic Peninsula, Washington State 48.500 -125.000 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 94 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-OC03 coastal Off Olympic Peninsula, Washington State 47.300 -124.400 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 35 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-OC04 coastal Off Olympic Peninsula, Washington State 48.000 -124.700 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 35 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-SB01 coastal Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, off Massachusetts 42.400 -70.500 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 50 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-SB02 coastal Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, off Massachusetts 42.500 -70.200 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 71 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
SanctSound-SB03 coastal Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, off Massachusetts 42.300 -70.200 Yes 20-24000Hz continuous 45 m open U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration soundscape monitoring
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Bay Harbour) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.340 -82.591 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous < 10 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Bay Hollow) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.451 -82.651 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous < 10 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Bayou Hammock) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.432 -82.676 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Mote I) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.336 -82.577 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous < 10 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Mote II) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.334 -82.579 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous < 10 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Palma Sola) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.476 -82.692 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (San Remo) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.300 -82.519 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous < 10 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Sarasota Bay) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.316 -82.545 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous < 10 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Siesta Key) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.271 -82.543 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous < 10 m
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Spanish Point) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.204 -82.500 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Tarawitt) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.419 -82.655 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous < 10 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Sarasota Bay Passive Acoustic Listening Network (Tidy Island -Bay Hollow) coastal West Coast of Florida 27.451 -82.651 odontocetes Yes 0.172 - 20 kHz continuous < 10 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Smith Bank - 112 coastal North Sea 58.180 -2.676 windfarm monitoring Yes 20Hz – 48kHz 10 mins in 60 mins 51 m
Smith Bank - 164 coastal North Sea 58.215 -2.864 windfarm monitoring Yes 20Hz – 48kHz 10 mins in 60 mins 42 m
Stone Fence Deep (SFD) coastal East of Nova Scotia 44.260 -57.292 Yes 10-128000 Hz 24.67 min/hr 1460 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans biodiversity, ecosystems
Univ. of Iceland (Krossanes A) regional East of Iceland 64.889 -9.0457 odontocetes Yes 1-40 kHz 5 min/15 min (33%) 2500 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Univ. of Iceland (Langanes NE) regional North of Iceland 67.266 -13.366 anthropogenic noise odontocetes Yes 1-40 kHz 5 min/15 min (33%) 1500 m biodiversity, ecosystems
Western Scotian Shelf (WSS) coastal Southeast of Nova Scotia 42.556 -63.451 Yes 10-128000 Hz 24.67 min/hr 1490 m water depth Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans biodiversity, ecosystems
Wildlife Conservation Society (Sachs Harbour 2020) coastal Arctic Ocean 71.871 -125.484 mysticetes, odontocetes, pinnipeds Yes biodiversity, ecosystems
WWF_ST1 coastal 22.196 113.849 fish, odontocetes Yes 2min/10min 25 m World Wildlife Fund biodiversity, ecosystems
WWF_ST6 coastal 22.174 113.906 fish, odontocetes Yes 2min/10min 38 m World Wildlife Fund biodiversity, ecosystems
WWF_ST7 coastal 22.156 113.923 fish, odontocetes Yes 2min/10min 41 m World Wildlife Fund biodiversity, ecosystems

Mobile Autonomous Systems

relates to time synchrony between elements and between the GPS time. specifies the time interval between data downloads. is the depth at which the sensors are located. indicates whether or not the acoustic system is calibrated. highlights other data available or planned from the same region of the acoustic sensors. conveys how accessible the data are to the public. refers to the original and/or current sponsor providing funding support for the system. indicates the societal purpose for which the system was originally designed reports the years of system installation and projected life expectancy of the system.