

Projects carried out under the Themes of the IQOE must agree to standard techniques and/or perform intercalibrations among techniques or observations to make it possible to compare their results. The IQOE will form a subcommittee responsible to recommend best practices for experimentation and observation or, where this is considered undesirable, will determine other means to ensure that results are comparable. It will be important to leave room for innovation in methods, while still striving for comparable results. The working group should involve experts in ocean observing systems, data and data processing, and animal observations.


Christ de Jong (The Netherlands)

Michael Ainslie (The Netherlands)

Other Members

Tomonari Akamatsu (Japan)

Rex Andrew (USA)

Doug Cato (Australia)

Ross Chapman (Canada)

Christine Erbe (Australia)

Jennifer Miksis-Olds (USA)

Stephen Robinson (UK)


Terms of Reference

The primary tasks of the IQOE Standardization Working Group are to

  1. identify existing standards for observations of sound in the ocean, data processing and underwater sound modelling;
  2. recommend standards and promote best practices for observations of sound in the ocean (including observation systems, planning for temporal, spatial and frequency sampling and acquisition of metadata), data processing and underwater sound modelling;
  3. recommend methodology for assessment and reporting of uncertainty (associated with precision and accuracy) in observations of sound in the ocean;
  4. promote means (including facilities) of calibration and inter-comparison of acoustic receivers;
  5. oversee IQOE activities and projects endorsed by IQOE with the overall goal of achieving meaningful and comparable data for datasets that will result from these activities; and
  6. communicate with IQOE Data Management and Data Access Working Group on data relevant for observations of sound in the ocean that are likely to be stored and archived


IQOE Inventory of Existing Standards for Observations of sound in the ocean -  6 April 2018 Version

Workshop Report: Guidelines for Observation of Ocean Sound